
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Grammar Lessons

The boys were trying on Grandma's reading glasses.

Boy 1: "Go look in the mirror! You look so weird."

Boy 2: "Really?"

Boy 1: "Yes. You look like a nerd."

Boy 2 goes to inspect himself in the bathroom and comes prancing back a moment later.

Boy 2: "Hey, guess what? If I was naked I would be a nude nerd!"

*   *    *    *

I can't remember now what they were arguing about.....something to do with their snack.

Boy 1: "I'm right."

Boy 2: "No, I'm right."

Boy 1: "No. I'm right, PERIOD."

Boy 2: "Well..... I'm right, EXCLAMATION POINT!"

Well, at least you can tell they are paying attention in school sometimes.

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