
Sunday, October 5, 2014


So Husband got a new job a couple of months ago. He is looking forward to the work and it is going to be a good move career-wise and its full time, which means we will have money coming in on a regular basis. That hasn't happened for a long time - so we are all kinds of excited.

Only problem is, the commute is a good 40 min with no traffic or weather. I know lots of people do that every day and think it is no big deal, but it is a big deal for us. Especially since public transport isn't great and he has to take our only car.

So we decided to move. I'm having all kinds of thoughts and emotions and things (good and bad) that I'll probably get around to sharing eventually.

For now, please be content with a series of pictures I like to call:

Interesting things we found when cleaning out our junk:
Dollhouse I've been working on building for the past several years. Found the last of the detail pieces and hung the door

Paid the children for every toy (of their own) that they were willing to get rid of. This is Child #1's stash.

A wax candle chicken. From my sister and my mom because I hate chickens.

The notebook I used to plan our wedding. These are sketches of the cake.

More of my wedding notes.

List I made Child #1 write. These are the things he has to do when he starts teasing a sibling.
If he doesn't choose one of these I give him something from my list. It is decidedly less fun.

Tea I bought for fabric dye. I still can't figure out why anyone would want to wake up like a buffalo.

Suspicious packing job of our medicine cabinet. That bag of green leaves is raspberry tea, I swear.

Cassette tape of MC Hammer. Its John's, I swear.

Computer disks. A whole big stack of them.

Mini disks. Remember these? Yeah, nobody else does either.

Cycle beads. For use as birth control in 3rd world countries with non-literate populations. You start out the first day of your period with the black marker on the red bead. Every day you move the marker one bead. When the marker is on a glow in the dark bead you may be fertile and should not have sex. Also makes a beautiful necklace and conversation starter/stopper.

My American Girl doll and accessories. Hours of fun and entertainment. 

Goodbye notes from school friends

Tiny glasses for a slightly less tiny child.


Adrienne said...

Ha. Love finding random things. Hope you were able to clean out a bunch.

Debbie said...

Still love your writing! I sure hope you and your adorable fam are adjusting well to the big move!

Stephanie Lonas - Wanderlively said...

Hahah loved all of this.