
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Obsessive. Compulsive. Behavior.

It is only a disorder if you suffer from it.

The other day (OK so really, it was last month) I vacuumed my living room three times. In a row.

I have to say, I find vacuuming therapeutic. Not that I am able to do it as often as I'd like, but I really enjoy it. Especially when I'm having a bad day. And it was a bad day. Bad week actually.

I was babysitting my adorable and rowdy neighbor boys. Husband not around much, getting work done for the end of the semester. And it was the three year anniversary of my miscarriage. Basically it sucked.

Then, my oldest's teacher stopped me after school to talk over some concerns. (dun dun DUN) His work is fine, and he hasn't been in trouble, but she has noticed some behavior changes since the beginning of the year - mostly since the new baby. And she recommended that he meet with the school counselor.

My son's teacher thinks he should see a therapist. Great.

I was trying not to overreact, and was only mildly successful. I brought the kids home, gave them a snack and got out the vacuum.

You know who you can hear yelling at you while the vacuum is running? No one.

I already had the baby in the sling from the walk home from school, and she fell asleep as soon as she heard the noise. So I got to cuddle the one child who has been nice to me all day (she can't talk yet) and feel like I was being productive.

Of course I didn't want to stop. That is normal, right?


(sound of crickets chirping)

p.s. Adrienne, have you tried this hold with your sling? You just hold the baby on your hip and then put the sling around both of you, rings on the opposite shoulder. I slid Mimi to the front and tightened it a little more after she had fallen asleep.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

totally normal :) I'll need to hear more. Honestly I haven't pulled out the sling in awhile. I will do that this week.