Nor do you want her to.
So Husband and I used to teach a Sunday School class called "Marriage and Family Relations." It was a lot of fun, and I'm sure we learned more than anyone else in the class.

The one bit of marriage advice that came up over and over was "Be Explicit." No-one in your house can read your mind. This is not a movie, and your spouse is not a mutant (no matter how strange he or she is.) So if you want something, or need something, or need someone to know something YOU HAVE TO SAY IT. Preferably with small words while your significant other is giving you undivided attention.
Needless to say, we are not always good at that ourselves. But the other day we were. I can't remember exactly what we were talking about, but Husband commented on it.
Him - "Good job being explicit, love."
Me - "Thanks. You know, we're getting better at that."
Him - "I know! It is so nice."
Me - "Just think, if we keep this up, someday we will understand each other every time we have a conversation."
Him - "Yeah, wouldn't that be great?"
And then he grabbed my breast as he walked by.
I'm pretty sure that we will NEVER understand each other all the time.
* * * *
My dear husband, who is also my editor, needed some clarification for this post. "But why would you say that we will never understand each other?"
"The fact that you grab my breasts is incomprehensible to me. The fact that you did it right after having a conversation about understanding each other illustrates the fact that you will always do things that I can't understand."
He just stared at me for a minute.
p.s. I'm sure that I do all kinds of things that are incomprehensible to him as well.
so did not need to know that :) eww he's my brother.
Well, Kim and I loved it! HAHA! Thanks for the reality check. :)
News flash Adri: Those four kids running around our house? THEY ARE YOUR BROTHER'S. I don't need to explain where they came from do I?
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