
Friday, September 11, 2009

If I wasn't me, I would wish I was me

This is my angel baby

She giggles at her brothers as they run crazy through the house. With no prodding from me, she eats every three hours on the dot. She sleeps through the night (at least 9 hours, usually 12). Her new trick is to coo really loudly when she is tired. This is my signal to put her down in her bed where she promptly falls asleep. I'm a total whimpy-mommy so I don't do the whole "let them cry it out thing." She learned this all on her own - probably because if she sleeps in her cradle instead of in the sling she won't be jumped on by a brother before she is ready to wake up. And as a bonus, I get to wake up to this beautiful smile every morning.

Then I get to play with the two sweetest boys in existance. (Not actually anyone's birthday, just an excuse to eat cake and play with fire - what's not to love?)

And at the end of the day, I get to cuddle up with the most perfect man I've ever met.

You can be jealous of me now.


Megan said...

I love her tongue. You do have a great life.

Anonymous said...

So good to hear everything is going great;)

Debbie said...

Love this post Lins... you are amazing!