
Friday, May 22, 2009


While unpacking, I found a box marked "John's toys." Inside was exactly what you'd expect to find (if you knew my husband); Legos, Star Wars action figures, and other relics of an 80's childhood that were simply too cool to get rid of. Some he decided to share with the boys and some were put away again - too precious to share.

So JJ's new favorite thing is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, he even sleeps with it. But he is two, so it's an "En-gin Turtle."

"No." John corrects him. "A Ninja Turtle. Nin-ja. N-N-N NIN-ja."

"What's NIN-ja?"

"It's someone who fights a special way."

"Someone who bites?"


But I liked JJ's version.

Raf-L the en-gin turtle who bites.

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