That pregnant woman leaving Smiths with a howling, bleeding four-year-old, a full cart of groceries and a confused two-year-old? The one you thought probably shouldn't be allowed to have children? That was me.
Grocery shopping has become more complicated as the boys get bigger. They are pretty good about staying with me and not pulling things off the shelves but they've seen it all before - so there is nothing new to look at and they take up too much space to be able to sit in the cart once I've started filling it with groceries.
You may be thinking that those groovy "truck" carts would be a good compromise - keep them entertained, free up room in the cart; fun fact about those carts, they are harder to push, the basket is actually smaller than a regular shopping cart and on the off chance that you can find one, it is inevitably the wrong color (a very big deal around our house lately.)
By the time we are ready to check out the boys are usually climbing all over the place. Thinking it was no big deal, I let Ian climb in the bottom of the cart where you usually put the big, heavy things. Groceries ride there safely right? Yeah, well groceries don't have fingers.
Yup. I ran over his finger with a cart full of food and the added weight of little brother. A week later the fingernail fell off, a mutilated badge he can proudly show to his preschool teacher, Sunday school teacher, Grandma, and random strangers who then look at me for a proper explanation. There is really only one thing to say:
You know those warning labels on every shopping cart? They really mean that.
Grocery shopping has become more complicated as the boys get bigger. They are pretty good about staying with me and not pulling things off the shelves but they've seen it all before - so there is nothing new to look at and they take up too much space to be able to sit in the cart once I've started filling it with groceries.
You may be thinking that those groovy "truck" carts would be a good compromise - keep them entertained, free up room in the cart; fun fact about those carts, they are harder to push, the basket is actually smaller than a regular shopping cart and on the off chance that you can find one, it is inevitably the wrong color (a very big deal around our house lately.)
By the time we are ready to check out the boys are usually climbing all over the place. Thinking it was no big deal, I let Ian climb in the bottom of the cart where you usually put the big, heavy things. Groceries ride there safely right? Yeah, well groceries don't have fingers.
Yup. I ran over his finger with a cart full of food and the added weight of little brother. A week later the fingernail fell off, a mutilated badge he can proudly show to his preschool teacher, Sunday school teacher, Grandma, and random strangers who then look at me for a proper explanation. There is really only one thing to say:
You know those warning labels on every shopping cart? They really mean that.

Isn't it nice that children actually survive childhood? and so do the parent!!
oops. I've been letting ryan hang on the front.
Hahaha... I love reading what you post. Thanks for your honesty and humorous retelling of life's everyday events.
Hey Lindsay, this story cracked me a sad way but I understand the cart fiasco. Are you still in the book club? I noticed your not signed up for next thur and We missed you last time.
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