Yet another post that may make you very glad that you are not me.
Baby #5 and I have reached an amazing milestone.
She is 1 and I am not pregnant.
Guys, this has never happened to me before. I had six pregnancies in seven years. I've never had a one-year-old and not been throwing up because of the next one. I'm not quite ready to give up on adding to our family down the road, but I am having a blast with this whole NOT PREGNANT thing.
And she is such a doll. She has this great little personality and is in no danger at all of being left behind or lost in the mix of older siblings. I feel like I could look at her all day and never get enough. I feel this way about all my kids - but it bears repeating here. Every child is the sweetest and the best. I can't imagine my life without any of them, and loving one does not at all diminish how much I adore the others.
Eating someone's plant experiment.
Playing with Mommy when she should be sleeping. But I can't get enough of her adorable face.
New tricks.
Congratulations on the milestone. I think all your kids are adorable as well.
I love you and your cute kids
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