So, my sister-in-law (whom I adore) has started calling me the "crazy cat lady" since my kids are always pretending to be cats. I find it hilarious. And I'm thinking that it would be a great family Halloween costume. The children could be cats - and they would be in heaven, and I could be in my pajamas - not that different from normal life, actually.
Then I started thinking....What if I really AM crazy? What if I don't have any children, and I'm so far gone that my family and friends are just humoring me? What if you are just reading my blog because it is like watching a train wreck? This psycho lady keeps posting pictures of cats and referring to them as her children and you're torn between horror and fascination?
No. Really. I'm seriously questioning my sanity here. It would explain so much. They NEVER listen or
come when I call; I may as well be talking to myself. The house has this lingering smell that I can't quite place, and it never feels entirely clean. And trying to get us all out to the car to go anywhere?.....Exactly like herding cats.
You'd tell me right? Stage an intervention or something? Maybe you already have and I'm blocking it from my memory.
Oh, well. It isn't so bad here. Maybe this reality is better than the one I left behind.
Wanna see an adorable picture I took today?
Awwww! Aren't they the sweetest wittle things you've ever seen?
Yes they are.
Yes they are.
You crack me up. You're doing a great job herding your cats:)
OMG. This is terrible of me,I would read the crap out of a blog like this.
aww you adore me. I feel so special. I love your cats too.
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