
Sunday, September 16, 2012


So, my camera and my phone were dying at about the same time and I decided I wanted an upgrade.  Husband was very willing because I rarely get excited about anything tech-ie like he does (and it meant that he could upgrade as well).

 Enter my new iPhone.  I love it.  It is awesome for entertaining the kiddos at the Dr.'s office or the DMV, and much easier to hold and read while I feed the baby than a book or magazine.  The best thing is, of course, the camera.  Shutter speed is faster than my old "point and shoot" and it takes better pictures.  Plus, I usually remember to take it with me when we go out.  It is especially helpful for getting pictures of 4th Child who is now almost 2, freakishly adorable, and never holds still.  So I get adorable pictures like this. . .
 and this, and this. . . . 

So when I get into blogging regularly again, expect a few more pictures.  (I'm trying, honestly).

We share a phone plan with my mother-in-law, so she came over to pick up her phone (iPhones for everyone!) and with visiting and getting dinner on, it was a while before I could sit down and just fiddle around with my phone by myself.  But finally, everyone was settled and eating and the baby was hungry.  So I went into the quiet living room to nurse the baby and look at my new toy.  First thing I looked at was the camera.  What can I take a picture of?  I certianly don't want a picture of the messy living room.  But, hey!  I have an adorable baby right there.  So I focus the camera on #5 and I'm about to snap the picture when I realize that I don't really want a picture of my breast either.

I always used to roll my eyes when I heard old folks talking about how technology is destroying our morals, but now I'm thinking maybe they have a point.  Five minutes alone with my new technology and the first thing I try to do is take an inappropriate picture.  Coincidence?

And then there is this.  I was playing around with my camera again when #2 got out of bed to tell me he had hit his head.  I snapped a picture, and this is what I got:
I have no idea what happened, but I swear I haven't messed with it in photo shop at all.

I love it even though it is creepy.  It kind of makes me not want to turn my back.  He looks like he may actually murder me in my bed.  (I should let him try out for a part in Supernatural, they always have evil kids)


Adrienne said...

I'm so glad you are posting more pics even if J is a zombie :)

Heather said...

creepy!! (and so glad you're loving your iphone :)