
Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm sure this will be funny in a year or so

She's been in bed and quiet for over an hour.  And then she comes to find me while I'm rocking the baby to sleep.

Her: "Mommy, there was a marker in my bed"

Me: "What? No! we only color on paper!"

Her: 'But there was a marker in my bed."

Me: "You know you're not supposed to color on yourself!  Why did you color on your face? It isn't paper!  This was NOT a good thing to do!"

Her: "Some church shirts are like paper."

Me: "No! Church shirts are not like paper, just because they are white does not mean you can color on    them!"

Her: "White isn't a color, it's a shade."

Me: "You still are not supposed to color on anything but paper!  Come on.  Let's go wash you off."

Her:  "We also need to wash my bed."

Me: "You colored on your sheets?  This is NOT OK."

Her: "Do we need soap?"

Me: "Yes."

. . . .wash . . . wash. . . wash. . .

Her: "I also colored my library book - it's paper."


red said...

I hate Thursday! And your child is very smart. And you have to give her credit for the book comment :) Oh Lindsay. I give you a long distance hug...and at least it wasn't poop :)

Megan said...

Oh, dear.

HDVB said...

oh glad you post these moments :) although frustrating for you, they bring smiles to our day!

Sarah and AJ said...

OK, I really did laugh out loud at the end there.

Jennie said...

The wonderful logic your children display is just indicative of how smart you are raising them to be.

Hope that keeps you warm at night. :)