
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Passing on more than just my genes

My oldest asked me the other day if it was time to vote for a new president yet.  I majored in Political Science and History (and minored in Child Psychology) so I'm always trying to have these kinds of conversations with my kids, and it is extra exciting to me when they bring it up.

So I tried to explain about primaries and the two party system and how we don't really know who will be running, and the voting day isn't until November.  I told him I'm pretty sure who I will vote for, but I want to hear more from each of the candidates.

There were so many words I was trying to define simply; candidate, party, primary, Republican, Democrat, campaign. . . .I realized that if I really wanted to add my own bias now would be a good time.  I tried to explain things neutrally: "The people who call themselves Democrats mostly want the government to do more and the Republicans mostly want the government to do less."

"Why wouldn't they want the government to help people?"

"Well, they don't think the government does a good job and that it isn't exactly helping people."

I thought I had done a good job of just giving him facts.  Then tonight at dinner he asked his father the same question.  Husband, like me, replied that he wasn't sure yet.  Then he asked his little brother who he wanted to vote for.  Boy 2 wasn't sure what that means, so he explained: "Would you like to vote for President Obama or some weirdo?"

Not as neutral as I'd thought.

And here are the pictures we had taken on our date night last month.  See?  At least one of the kids looks like me.


Adrienne said...

some weirdo... hee hee. the pictures turned out cute.

Lindsay said...

I think it was because "Newt" and "Mitt" are weird names. I didn't say anything about anyone being weird - I swear.