
Friday, December 16, 2011

What happens while I make dinner

She comes to me while I'm making dinner:  "Mommy?" and her eyes are full of tears, "He won't let me hold his hand." 
Audible sigh from the other room. "I'm working."
Me: "Honey, his hands are busy right now.  Maybe you could stand quietly by him and put your hand on his shoulder."
Then her eyes lit up and she giggled this maniacal, evil little laugh and I got to see this:

Another long-suffering sigh from the boy. "Mo-o-om!"
Me: "Hang on a second.  I just have to get a  picture.. . . .Ok, I got it.. . . Lil' why don't you come in the kitchen with me and leave your brother alone?"
Her: "Ok!"

*  *  *  *  *

Scene: Coloring pictures and doing homework at the kitchen table.  Lil' girl is coloring her now-favorite princess, Cinderella.

Boy 2: "Cinderella is EVIL."
Girl 1: "Cinderella is NOT evil."
Boy 2: "Cinderella is Eeevil."
Girl 1: "No! Cinderella is not evil. She is a beautiful princess!"
Boy 2: "Cinderella is EVIL."
Girl 1: "No!"
Boy 2: "Cinderella is evil. Hunh?"

Boy 1: "No. . . see, Cinderella can't be evil because she's Cinderella."
Boy 2: "But she wants to be evil. Right?"
Boy 1: "Exactly.  She would be evil but she's Cinderella."
Boy 2: "Right.  She wants to be evil."
Boy 1: "Right, Mom? Right? Cinderella wants to be evil, she just can't"
Me: *Sigh*

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