My kids are adorable - amazingly beautiful - wonderful - awesome - super cute. I'm biased, I know. I really couldn't care less if you agree with me or not. But if you feel the need to tell me about my children's looks, please don't be an idiot about it.
My girls have these really bright blue eyes (it is genetic, but not from me) plus, they like to stare at people. Lately it seems like I can't go anywhere without someone commenting on how cute they are. Thanks, all you random folks. I'm glad they brightened your day. But you are kind of weirding me out now.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets these odd comments, so I'd like to say here, for the record, there is a right way and a wrong way to compliment someone's children. Following are some tips, provided perfectly free - as a public service. (You're welcome)
1) I'm glad you think my kid is adorable, but you know what? Mentioning to me how much you want to kidnap her? Not a compliment. In fact, it's creepy. I don't care who you are DO NOT JOKE ABOUT THINGS LIKE THAT. It isn't funny, and it isn't sweet. Please, if you want me to speak to you again, do not talk about abduction and my child in the same sentence. EVER.
2) Swear words. So the cuteness took you by surprise? That's nice. Do you realize what word you just said in front of my two-year-old? Do you know what a two-year-old is? A tape recorder with pig-tails. Pus, now she thinks it is a GOOD thing. Thanks for that.
3) Comparing. Children are small, not stupid. When you tell me right in front of them that you think this one is cuter than that one it is just going to piss me off. Not to mention making them feel bad. I am the only one who is allowed to land my child in therapy thankyouverymuch. Now, please back away.
4) Me. Just don't say anything about my appearance. Do you think I don't know that my hair is a mess, I have no makeup on and there is a stain on my shirt right over my boob? I KNOW. I have a mirror, what I don't have is any time to myself. "You must be tired/busy/have your hands full" all seem like shorthand for: "You look like crap." Thank you, almighty-captain-of-the-obvious. Unless you are offering to watch my kids while I shower and change (and do the laundry so that I actually have a clean shirt to put on) keep your mouth shut.
Bottom line: When giving compliments to anyone it is better to stick to the basics. Any standard deviation of "nice-looking" will do just fine. Trying to be creative just gets everyone in trouble.
HAHAHAHAHa. still think it's funny when they questioned if #1 was from the same father :)
I agree. THis has been a week of strange, unwelcomed comments in my life as well. Why can't people just keep their comments to themselves?!?!?
hahahahahha I love you Linz. And your kids are so cute, the strange people of the world just can't resist telling you so. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks :)
You. Are. Hilarious.
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