This year I bought a case of girl scout cookies, and I'm not sharing them with anyone.
I've invented a whole list of rules about eating them so that it feels like the ultimate luxury.

- The cookies are stored above the cupboards, so that I have to push a chair over to reach them (also, it feels like I'm being sneaky).
- No-one can touch me while I'm eating cookies.
- I wait until the children are all in bed and the baby has been fed for the last time.
- A glass of milk is mandatory.
- I won't do anything productive while eating my cookies. This covers most of my evening activities like replying to emails, folding clothes and paying bills. I don't even want to have to click the mouse.
- I only watch TV shows or movies that have nothing to do with children or my life, (eg: sci-fi or teen drama) unless you count having a snarky heroine (Hello, Veronica Mars).
I know, you probably think I'm lame. But I like finding joy in simple things.
Plus, I got a cute thank you note from my neighbor-girl-scout. It says,
"Thank you for buying cookies. I can go to horsie camp now. I'm so excited! Love, Ella."So on top of feeling sneaky and lazy, I get to feel that I'm doing it for a good cause.
love the rules. glad you sent someone to see horsies too.
Yes, just remember it is all for a good cause. I think I totally need some snack with rules.
I'm telling you this because I know you won't judge me: I'm in the process of re-watching Veronica Mars right this very moment.
Found your blog through Brooklyn's. Love the girlscout cookie rules. :) Lisa Stillman
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