
Sunday, February 20, 2011

"It's my birthday present - to ME - I'm so happy"

This year was an important birthday - one with a zero at the end of the number. At least I'm told this is important, or monumental or something. It was actually just a normal day for me. Husband forgot. But he already bought me a present (did I mention my NOOK?!) And he had a lot of work to do, so I took the kiddos and left the house for the day and we attended an extra church meeting that night - yippie.

This is actually fine with me. I've never really been an "important day" kind of person. I do want to go on a date with my husband to celebrate, but if it happens a week early or late it is no big deal. I've never really understood why people think the world should revolve around them on their birthdays, and why we only celebrate birthdays and not other important events. I mean, I'm happy our children were born, and I'm fine with a day just to celebrate them - but why the birthday? Why don't we celebrate the day they first said "I love you" to mommy, or the day they took their first steps, or the day they were conceived? (This is where my husband, who proof reads all my posts for me, says "We could celebrate that on our own. I know! Historical reenactments!" And yes, I do know the days each of my children were conceived. Husband also suggested that we mark those days on the calendar when our children are teenagers, just to embarrass them, which they will totally deserve.)

So I spent my birthday visiting my in-laws, who are fantastic, and my parents, who are also fantastic, and it was wonderful. My son gave me a kiss as a present. And my mother gave me a book called "A Mother's book of Secrets." Which I told my children they could not look at because it was only for mommies, and told all about how to be the meanest mommy ever. So we've had several games of chase and wrestle over it.

It was a great day.

1 comment:

Olya said...

I'm the same way about birthdays,and also Thanksgiving (don't care for historical part of it, if anything, it's too shady to celebrate), 4th of July and Valentine's Day. Funny you mentioned remembering conception days and celebrating them. I sure remember mine, especially the last one. I'm pretty sure my father-in-law remembers it too...