
Sunday, January 30, 2011

(insert clever title here)

My six-year-old informed me that I don't do the laundry often enough; and that I need to catch up on the mending. Because he has one dirty pair of khaki slacks and one pair of khaki slacks with a hole in them and he NEEDS to wear his khaki slacks to school every. single. day.

Me: "Wear your blue ones. You have three pairs of blue pants."

Him: "No. I have to wear my khaki ones. Do you know why?"

Me: "No, why?"

Him: "So that I can match my new friend, Sara. She is my new friend at school and we play at recess. Do you know why we are friends?"

Me: "No, why?"

Him: "Because one day we were like, totally matching. We wore the same clothes, and bought the same lunch and everything. So now we're friends." (yes he said "like, totally")

He wears a uniform.

And he has two choices at lunch. The odds of matching anyone on any given day are high.

So I'm amused and slightly annoyed at his demanding I finish my chores (YOU try keeping up with five people's laundry, kid). "Ah, youth." I'm smugly thinking to myself, "Someday he will be as sophisticated as I am."

And then suddenly I'm jealous. I wish it was that easy for me to make friends. How often do I wish I knew what to say, knew how to start a conversation with the other moms? Surely we have a lot in common and could be friends? I would like, totally wear the same thing every day if it would help.

So the next time you see me at the park, just come on over and strike up a conversation. I'm sure we could be great friends. I'll be the one in the khaki slacks.


Jessica said...

Dont you love the never ending laundry battle? and I only have 2! You are so right about the kid thing...we should take lessons from them and keep it simple.

Adrienne said...

love it

red said...

I would love to play with you. And I hate anyone that can keep up with the laundry. Hate them :)