
Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So we've been having some major insurance issues - as in, we don't have any.

I've been in the "pending" stage of the Medicade application process for months now.

The last letter I received from them said that I needed to provide proof of pregnancy or verification of live birth.

I'm thinking of sending this picture. . . .

Or this one . . .

But something tells me they want something more official - something not as easily faked. After all, this could be anyone's baby.

Think I should send them a picture of my stretch marks?


Sarah and AJ said...

Depends... where is the location of the stretch marks? And how uncomfortable do you want to make them?

Stephanie Lonas - Wanderlively said...

Love it.

Had the same problem with them myself... was relieved when pending became approved. Good luck!