
Sunday, December 26, 2010

the birth story

I'm not really sure how long my labor was. And that is one of the first things people ask. It depends on when you start counting.

As soon as the cervix starts to dilate? Nine months.
When the cervix is dilated past 3 cm? Two months.
4 cm and 80% effaced? One month.
When the baby drops into the pelvis? Nine months.
When the baby is at station +1 or lower? Two months.
When contractions are regular? One week.
When the contractions start to be painful enough? 6 hours.
When the water breaks? 20 minutes.

Other than being very very hormonal for the last couple of weeks the labor was great. Maybe by the fourth time around there is just more room for a baby. I don't know, but the labor was pretty easy, as far as these things go. I'd give you a blow by blow - but I'd rather tell you about the baby.

I was surprised. And I was surprised that I was surprised. Since we didn't find out the gender at the ultrasound, that is what I told everyone when they asked me what I was having: a surprise. But I didn't really think I would be. I told myself that I didn't really have any feelings either way, that it could be a boy or a girl. But then she was born and the nurse said "It's a girl!" and I was surprised - happy, but very surprised. (I need to find an synonym for surprised)

And we named her Miriam. Which is about the most beautiful name I've ever heard. Right up there with Lindsay. But I'll refer to her by shortened versions here on the blog.

1 comment:

Sarah and AJ said...

I'm so glad things went well for you!