The ships they built were "tight like a dish" on the top and bottom with only two windows that also shut tightly "like unto a dish." There was no way to steer. The people filed into the ships and shut the windows and the wind blew them across the ocean. Many times they were buried under the waves and swallowed in the depths of the sea. When the waters were calm, they could open a window - and then they would have to shut it again when another storm came to blow them closer to their destination. It was probably miserable, but the storms were what finally got them to their promised land.
I've been thinking of this story a lot lately because I too am on a journey, with heaven as my promised land. Lately I feel like I am not steering my life as much as I'm just hanging on through a storm. I made the decisions that got me into this boat (metaphorically speaking) and it would do me no good to try and get out now. I know the winds are blowing me in the right direction, but right now it feels dark and cold and I need some fresh air - (ole' Jared was seasick a while back and we haven't been able to open the window to air things out).
When the Jaredites were underwater they prayed and sang songs until they were brought back up to the top again. I don't feel much like singing. But I've been praying, and hopefully I'll get back above water soon.
I tell you this not because I need your sympathy or because it will help if you know exactly what I'm feeling - it won't. I'm just hoping that you will give me the benefit of the doubt. Because things are slipping, folks. Lots of things. I'm sorry if I didn't do anything special for your birthday, or didn't return your call. Please overlook the fact that my children need haircuts and no-one wiped off the milk mustaches before school. I am trying (which is to say, I'm failing) to stay on top of things. Right now though, I'm in way over my head.
Love you sweetheart!!
Go Lindsey! We love you!
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