
Friday, August 27, 2010

My optical fixation this week

Let us get one thing straight: Freud was wrong. Crazy, messed-up, who-is-the-one-fixated-on-sex?, wrong. But he started with observing human nature, and his observations were usually correct. His conclusions. . . not so much.

I say this because I am watching my oldest child move from one stage of childhood to another and I am seeing some echoes of Freud. Mostly in how he relates to us, his parents. According to Freud, as a boy passes the toddler phase his world view changes from mother-centered to idolizing and emulating his father. My five-almost-six year old would much rather play with his father than me. Instructions and advice from his dad carry much more weight than anything I say. He is still a sweet, obedient child; but he cuddles a lot less and rarely needs my approval. Many days my only role is to prepare and present the food.

When he does want a hug or some comfort from me it is short and usually involves my getting jabbed with an elbow or shoulder. The kid is all bone. This year he grew four inches and only gained two pounds. He has morphed into a squirrely boy seemingly overnight.

Of course, I love it and he is wonderful and all. But I must say, I kind of miss the chubby baby I once had. Given his genetics, I'm pretty sure he will never again be soft to snuggle with. In my nostalgia I changed my computer background to one of his baby pictures.

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