
Friday, February 12, 2010

Thats PRINCESS baby to you

We've had an "off" couple of days, and I know she wasn't feeling well, but I just couldn't make the baby happy this morning. She didn't want to eat or sleep or play or cuddle. She was just cranky. She kept crawling into the bathroom, but could not seem to find what she wanted.

Finally I decided that as long as she was there, I might as well do her hair. So I plopped her down in front of the mirror and put a pony-tail on top of her head. She sat very still. As soon as I was done, she grinned at herself in the mirror and started babbling. . . baaa baaa daaaa da!

She may not feel great, and things are not going according to plan, but at least she looks cute.

Yeah, that is MY child.


♥ Noelle ♥ said...

aww! look at those big eyes!! cutie!

HDVB said...

Oh I love it!

Adrienne said...

i can't believe her hair is that long. love the title of the post