
Monday, January 4, 2010


My husband will tell you that I am a glutton for guilt. It isn't true. But I do believe that sometimes a little bit of guilt or remorse is healthy if it motivates me to change something that I have control over.

But I've been thinking lately about all the things that I DON'T regret. Things that may not necessarily be what someone else would choose, or what the world thinks is best, but things that I would do over again, all things considered.

I have never regretted. . .
  • holding my child for just one more minute.
  • staying up an extra hour (or two) to hang out with my husband.
  • saying I was sorry.
  • NOT saying the first sarcastic thing that came into my mind (or the second, or the third. . )
  • letting someone in in traffic.
  • giving a compliment.