
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Food, glorious food

I'm reading a great book right now called "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.  It is about a woman's search for meaning/life etc.  The whole first third of the book details her travels through Italy - mostly rhapsodizing about the wonderful food she ate there.  This is not a good book for me to be reading right now, pregnant and slightly nauseous as I am.  Half the time, it sounds great and I'm ready to order Italian right now! and half the time I skim, because who can think about cheese that often?  

I've never really gotten a lot of pleasure out of eating, and I've always been sort of suspicious of people who do.  It doesn't seem normal.  I eat to stop my stomach from hurting, it is a bodily demand that cannot safely be ignored for very long.  So I see food as a sort of painkiller.  You take it when you have to; but people who aren't in pain and take drugs?  these people have a problem and probably need therapy.  People who eat because things taste good?  Who gets pleasure out of a chore?  

I know, there are a lot of people who hate me right now. I know what you're thinking. . . "Oh, you poor thing, you're unhappy because you don't eat ENOUGH? Well let me tell you something, Sister. . . . . "  And we could argue about which is harder, hating food or loving it too much.  I'm not really looking for sympathy.  I've just been thinking about it a lot lately.  And I just want to say, it's no cake walk.  


The Bertagnoles said...

You and Tracy are completely on the same page. He eats to live and thats about it. Before we were married he lived off of tuna and rice because it was healthy and filled him up. It did the job. Since we have been married, I have learned that he can enjoy certain foods, but only when he wants to. More often than not, its just something to put in his stomach... Im not so much taht way, but am becoming more so as the years go by. I have to say I am more happy this way. its great not to have to worry about food or cravings, or anything like that. :}

Debbie said...

YOU ARE EXPECTING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Linds... that is GREAT news. We are happy for you. Interesting comments about food. I think people who eat when they are anxious would call in 'painkillers' too, haha. Anyway, lots of love

Heather said...

I had no idea you had such an aversion to food! (except in your understandable present condition). You mean you never liked my spinach puffs? (I'm watching Emperor's New Groove right now)

Christina said...

I totally agree with you. In heaven you can eat if you want to but it's not required. It wouldn't be heaven if it was otherwise. Food is definitely a necessary evil.