
Monday, October 6, 2008

excuses, excuses

So I've really been a slacker at the posting thing this past month. I have some new pictures and some funny/interesting thoughts that I am planning on sharing, but right now it just seems like creativity is too much work.

My dear husband AND my two year old have pneumonia. They've been on antibiotics for almost a week now. Today we went back to the doctor for a follow up and she sent us home with a nebulizer and medicine for both Ian and JJ (at last guess, Ian's is just a virus) since neither is breathing/sleeping/eating particularly well. She also heard John cough, listened to his lungs and suggested that he use the nebulizer as well. Me, I've just been throwing up.

We're all very pathetic.

But we are on the mend. This week we're just going to stay home and relax and get well. If I'm really lucky, I'll get the floor mopped as well. So please don't despair. I haven't forgotten you, you're just lower down on the priority list right now.


The Bertagnoles said...

I hope you all get well soon. :}

Heather said...

are you all feeling better yet? (or are any of you feeling better yet might be a better way to state that question :)