
Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The other day I sang my boys a song about "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." Because it was stuck in my head, and to distract them from whatever it was they shouldn't have been doing. Naturally (and unfortunately) they loved it and we sang it for almost two days straight. I realized they don't actually know the story of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" and so I told it to them, over and over again, mostly to keep them entertained in the car (and because I will do almost anything to avoid having to listen to the "Mr. Crocodile" song again). I've looked and looked for a Goldilocks book but haven't found one yet; I'm very disappointed in our library right now.
In keeping with our theme, today we acted out the story. Complete with three sizes of bowls, chairs, and blankets (beds). I was impressed with how well they remembered the story and entertained with their repetition of their 'lines.' Earlier I was a bit miffed with my inability to find an actual book of the official fairy tale version. But I like ours better. In our variation, Goldilocks gets eaten by the bears and everyone ends up in a big wrestling match on the floor. Take that, Hans Christian Anderson.

1 comment:

Karma said...

That sounds way better than a book anyway. Your blogs make you seem close. Has Eoin started preSch. yet