
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cheap Thrills

JJ wore "big boy underwear" for half of the day today and is starting to get the hang of the potty thing. We are still a long way away from actually getting rid of the diapers, but it is a start. I know this is one of those weird mommy things, but I am SO SO SO excited!
Some construction workers were fixing the road in our apartment complex today so we sat outside and watched the tractors. It was very exciting. The crew was really nice and didn't seem to mind the audience too much. We even got to see the inside of the dump truck and hear the horn, courtesy of the driver. I didn't even get his name, but he totally made our day.
And we made lots of mud in the wading pool this afternoon. I usually try to keep the dirt out of the pool, but they were having so much fun filling their toy trucks with dirt and dumping it in the water. . . well, I figured it wouldn't hurt anything.
None of these things would have been exciting to me ten years ago; my, how things change.

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